By Northern Ireland Copywriter and White Paper writer, Brian O'Friel
As a copywriter, I'm well used to staring at a blank white page at the start of every project!
But this is something entirely different. Here's an introduction to the matter.
According to definitions, a White Paper is "A report or guide that informs readers concisely about a complex issue and presents the issuing body's philosophy on the matter. It is meant to help readers understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision."
For businesses, a well-written White Paper will generate leads and be an important part of your sales funnel. It will also appeal to the senior decision-makers you are targeting and set you apart from competitors in your field by establishing you as a thought leader.
A balance between data and readability
White Papers demand a carefully structured approach that carefully builds the case for your product – not skimping on technical detail, yet not leaving the reader totally bamboozled by jargon.
That's why White Papers tend to be longer than the normal description of your product or service on, say, a webpage. The length will be determined by each individual product, of course, but they regularly range from about eight pages upwards.
While a White Paper is used as a marketing tool for a company product, it must never be written like other marketing materials – those that actively use typical 'marketing' or ‘selling language'. Rather, your White Paper writer needs to build a clear, compelling, rational, and almost dispassionate case for your product.
Time and Commitment
Producing a White Paper will probably take more time and commitment from you as the business owner, or team, than any other form of commercial copywriting you need to produce.
The reason for this is that White Papers are heavily fact-based and so you should always be able to present your White Paper copywriter with enough research and data for them to make a compelling case for your product.
Having said that, the results from your White Paper should easily repay your time and commitment by the leverage it creates among senior decision-makers in your sector: compelling evidence resulting in increased sales.
The look of your White Paper
Because White Papers are often data-rich, care should be taken in presenting this in a visually compelling way – without going overboard, of course. The White Paper should be as pleasing to the eye as it is to the rational mind of your buyer. When this happens, it’s success all around.
Hire a professional White Paper Copywriter who is skilled in both the writing and design of your paper.
Why not chat about my approach to your White Paper project. Get in touch and I’ll guide you through:
Content outline
Project milestones
Gathering/Surveying Data
Commentary & Analysis
Design Visuals, inc Photography, Graphics, Charts, Icons, etc
When your first White Paper project all comes together as it should, it's a significant milestone for your compnany - and your marketing!